哪一款HIFU 哪種最合適自己?
- Reaching 4.5mm SMAS for the stimulation of collagen production and the effective tightening of underlying skin
- Tackles forehead lines, lines, sagging chin, drooping eyelids, sagging neck skin, crow's feet or unnoticeable contour lines
- 療程效果可長達18-24個月
- 有鬆弛而皮層較厚的人士尤其適合
- V Face lifting
- Stimulates collagen regeneration
- Tightens double chin and baggy face
- Tightens skin and contours
- Lifting and firming skin without the need of surgery
- 針對法令紋、鬆弛下巴、眼皮下垂、頸部皮膚鬆弛、魚尾紋或輪廓線條不明顯
- 單次療程 無術後恢復期
- Treatment effects can last for 2 years Purchase Now
- A non-invasive, safe procedure
- 可直達1.5 及3.0mm的真皮層,刺激膠原蛋白增生
- Probes with different energy levels specific for different skin conditions
- 獨家技術瞳孔探頭,減低紅腫、痛楚及副作用
- A precise treatment with high accuracy on-refracted energy